Sunday, November 25, 2012

Baby You're A Firework!

Thy word is a lamp unto my feetand a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105

There are times in our lives when we feel lost, empty, and afraid. Times when we wonder what's next and how do we begin to get there. In these times we can reach for external sources to fill the void and frustrations, which for the most part, add to them, or we can choose to move towards the light of love and hope. What is this love and hope and how do we tap into it? We tap into the creator of all things (God) and let his power and light guide us, fill us, and empower us. How do we do this? By observing what our life and circumstances are trying to show and tell us. Surrender to the process of growth, healing, and transformation. Be still and know that He IS, and allow his love reside within you. Then, let go. Let go of all the pain and what others did to you. Forgive as you have been forgiven. And finally, accept his love, change, and rebuke, because its all leading to your purpose driven life. So, then you can ignite the light and let it shine as you go boom boom boom, Because you're a FIREWORK!

1 comment:

  1. and so let it be.... I have been where your blog speaks of... now is time to let go and let it be. thank you for sharing
