There are times in our lives when we will be sick. Physical sickness, emotional sickness, spiritual sickness, etc... But what do you do when your sickness is continual or in several areas at one time? When you're tired of being sick and want some relief? What we may find ourselves doing is complaining, arguing, feeling depressed, being mad at God and man, and living stagnant lives.But, that is not the proper response to these tough situations. I am going to share with you some ways to move from sickness to health in your inner man, so that your outer man can also be healed.
- Make God number one in your life- Sometimes the reason we are sick is because of bad choices. Our choices have had led to consequences that are manifesting in our lives. But, one way to change our choices is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and realize he is the ultimate help and answer.
- Get some Inspiration- There are many ways we can get inspired in whatever state we are in. Read your bible, pray, read a devotional, read an autobiography of someone that inspires you, and listen to inspirational or gospel music. Tap into the positive. fill your day with songs and words that will change how you look at your situation and life. Incorporate a song and scripture of the day or week. See how focusing on something positive and enlightening will change you.
- Renew your mind- The bible says we are transformed by the renewing of our mind. So, our thoughts have to change. Change to what? Change to think what God says about us and life. Let our thoughts be led by His principles and watch how your choices and actions change.
- Have a wellness plan- When we go to the doctor along with a diagnosis he gives us an action plan to make things better. We have to have this in every area of our lives. A plan to get out of debt, a diet plan, a spiritual plan. Having strategies and goals will allow us to have a road-map in which to get to healing. Consistency brings change.
- Be accountable- Many times we can have points 1-4 done, but unless we are accountable to someone we find ourselves slipping back into old habits and ways of thinking. We need to reach out to those that are where we want to be or those on their own journey to wellness and team up to be accountable about our process. Someone that we can check-in with on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The more accountable you are, the easier and more successful your journey to wellness with be.
- Realize that His grace is Sufficient- If you mess up, fall off the plan, revert to old habits, realize that God's grace is sufficient for you. Get back up again and start it again. Don't let discouragement, shame, guilt, and fear keep you bound. Examine what made you get off track, learn from it and get back on your wellness plan. And this time on the journey you will be wiser and stronger.